Sunday, May 30, 2010

second life 5-30

Well, I have to admit trying to control your mouse is difficult, when your hand tonight's second life, was a bit choppy. I did enjoy visiting the Great Wall of China. I think I will explore more places during the week and post them here. It is like traveling, without the cost...which is pretty nice. Also, no need for baggage/luggage. Where should I go next? suggestions?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

second life experience with classmates

Wow, interesting time with people on SL tonight. It was great trying to play chess, watching videos, and flying over really big objects when I was like an inch tall (or so it felt). I hope to have good experiences next time, and hopefully next time, I will have perfected sitting : )

I guess, I will invest in a mic, so I can hear people.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Second Life experience

Well, considering I was going through the walk through of learning the steps of how to move, I some how transported out of the area. Therefore, I have been learning on my own. Doing pretty good, considering I learned how to take a picture, without the tutorial ;)

There are some very strange people on this SL, not too sure about that aspect. I am looking forward to our time online with classmates, gets kind of boring walking, flying or running around yourself.

I will stick with, but any suggestions I welcome. Like, how do buy land?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Social Networks - it is more appropriate to call it "Socialnomics" The technology is increasing, growing, it is everywhere. You cannot buy the new cellular phone, and then not expect to turn around and see a newer version already in stores. I agree with the comment "Listening first, selling second", the networks have accomplished this with advertisements. It is true, who watches commercials on television, I don't. I use those to do work, although lately I just turn my television on for background noise, and I am only online. However, when stores do ask for your email account, the stuff they connect to you with is not always relevant. Usually it is to announce sales, they never really ask for opinions on products of what to sell or offer.

I can agree with the statistic that 96% have joined a social network, that Facebook is 200 million strong, but I am still always iffy about the privacy effect. I like/enjoy my social network experience, but how safe is it. For example, the comparison with "What stays in Vegas.....stays on "social network"........I don't post private things, I lock my information, but not everyone does, especially teenagers.

How do we protect them? It may take drastic measures to actually have them listen!

Also, I understand twitter, but why do people need to know what you are doing 24/7.

We rely on social networks for a lot, some good, some bad, (jobs, connections, entertainment) I think it is all up to the user how much you will "shift" with the times.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Schools and budgets

This is not an assignment, but thought I would get opinions on how other districts are doing. How do school districts expect to run when they displace teachers, lay-off, and cut monies in the wrong places? I think those in the Board of Education have been out of the classroom too long and have no idea what it is like anymore. How do they expect success, when they pack classrooms with 30+ students.....that will not help our generations to come in the workforce.
any thoughts?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

new social networking site

I visited a new social networking site, besides ning. This time I visited

It is all about how to live a healthy lifestyle, while caring for the environment. It also has links on the site to search for jobs from companies that are displaying social responsibility for the environment.

I try and use recycled products when I can, grocery bags to recycling most of my trash. My students in the classroom get upset, when I recycle and print on the back of paper, to reuse. It bothers me when my work will make copies of something, when they could of just sent us the information via email. Well, there is my rant about the environment. Go green everyone!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I know we have to add each other as friends on facebook, do others already have an account that I can add you?


well, never thought I would, but I am a twitter! go me. not sure how often I will update, since my cell does not have this access, but perhaps one day in the future I will get those options.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ning Social Networking site

At first I thought this site seemed interesting, being able to create your own social networks around specific interests with your own visual design. I think users will like that fact, at least, I thought it was great. Since with Facebook, you can not design your own work, unless you count adding pictures or constantly changing your status as a way of using visual design.

This site used to be free and still is, until July. Then there is a cost, there are different payment plans. Therefore, I have some criticism there, being able to express yourself should not come with a cost. However, on the other hand, the payments will allow focus on enhancing features, performance, and service.

It was stated that an educational company will be sponsoring Ning Mini networks for educators, both primary and secondary. Which, there was not much information, but this may be a good resource, if it goes through. I think the earlier we start students off with using technology (7th grade and up), we are only encouraging them and sparking an interest to continue to use technology and learn how important it is.

I do like the fact that there are stated guidelines to follow when using Ning. A few of these guidelines including what a forum is, dealing with spam, insults & harassment, and terms & services.
launched in 2005, by Andreeseen and Bianchini.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Web definition for social networking

Social Networking -

Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals. While social networking has gone on almost as long as societies have existed, the unparallel potential of the internet to promote such connections is only now being fully recognized and exploited, through Web-based groups. The six degree of separation concept goes along with social networking.

You join one of the sites and invite people you know to join. Those people invite their contacts to join, who in turn invite their contacts to join, and the process repeats for each person. March 18, 2008. Retrieved from,,sid9_gci942884.html

Monday, May 3, 2010

Social Networking

Social networking is the ability to communicate with others via an internet connection. The act of communicating could be for staying in touch with high school and/or college friends, the possibility of discovering new friendships/acquaintances, a new career move, or simply sharing information about yourself or venting about issue(s) in hopes of getting advice or assistance in return.

I think social networking can only be an asset for education. If the correct guidelines, rules, regulations, and an AUP agreement is stated up front. In order for students and all involved to understand what will and will not be tolerated. The site would be most beneficial for grades 7th and up. It would allow students to get homework help when at home, since when you use the phone you only get one on one help, with the site, you would get a variety of input, from many students, and even the teacher. The networking site could also be used to turn in assignments, for the teacher to distribute assignments back (Go Green - paperless), and for discussions or learning new information.

It would be helpful if a computer lab is available and the teacher was sick, she could hold discussions for the students and they log in and learn, as long as there was adult supervision, and if the teacher were well enough to carry on the discussion/lesson.